pubblicazioni /

Articoli scientifici recenti che coinvolgono Tovel / recent scientific articles that are linked to Tovel

Max R. Glines,  Renata C. H. Amancio,  Mikkel René Andersen,  Helen Baulch,  Ludmila S. Brighenti,  Hannah E. Chmiel,  Joel E. Cohen,  Elvira de Eyto,  Oxana Erina,  Heidrun Feuchtmayr,  Giovanna Flaim,  Andrea Giudici,  David P. Hamilton,  Yannick Huot,  Michael R. Kelly,  Seán Kelly,  Alo Laas,  Christopher McBride,  Camille Minaudo,  Jose Fernandes Bezerra Neto,  Katy Nugent,  César Ordóñez,  Marie-Elodie Perga,  Brian Reid,  Caren Scott,  Peter A. U. Staehr,  Denise Tonetta,  Danielle Wain,  Nicole K. Ward,  Kevin C. Rose. 2025. Coefficients in Taylor's law increase with the time scale of water clarity measurements in a global suite of lakes. Ecology Letters

Obertegger, U., S. Corradini, L. Cerasino, L.C. Weiss. 2024. Decadal changes in surface CO2 concentrations and CO2 fluxes in a mountain lake Limnology & Oceanography. 

Elena Maines. 2023. Gap filling of meteorological data using neural networks: the case of the alpine Lake Tovel. Tesi di Laurea Magistrale - Master of Science in Environmental Meteorology. Università di Innsbruck & Trento. Anno Accademico 2022/2023. Relatore: Prof. Sebastiano Piccolroaz, Co-relatore: Ulrike Obertegger.

Weyhenmeyer G. A. , U. Obertegger, H. Rudebeck, E. Jakobsson, J. Jansen, G. Zdorovennova, S. Bansal, B. D. Block, C. C. Carey, Jonathan P. Doubek, H.Dugan, O. Erina, I. Fedorova, J. M. Fischer, L. Grinberga, H.-P. Grossart, K. Kangur, L. B. Knoll, A. Laas, F. Lepori, J. Meier, N. Palshin, M. Peternell, M. Pulkkanen, J. A. Rusak, S. Sharma, D. Wain & R. Zdorovennov. 2022. Towards critical white ice conditions in lakes under global warming. Nature Communications 

Obertegger, U., G. Flaim, S. Corradini, L. Cerasino, T. Zohary. 2022 Multi-annual comparisons of summer and under-ice phytoplankton communities of a mountain lake. Hydrobiologia 

Obertegger, U. 2022. Temporal and spatial differences of the under-ice microbiome are linked to light transparency and chlorophyll-a. Hydrobiologia 

Rogora, M, G. Rossetti, G. Flaim, U. Obertegger, R. Alber, A. Bodini, A. Boggero, S. Corradini, G. A. Tartari, P. Viaroli, S. Vorhauser 2021. IIT09-A LAGHI DI MONTAGNA in La Rete Italiana per la Ricerca Ecologica di Lungo Termine. Lo studio della biodiversità e dei cambiamenti (2021) a cura di Capotondi L., Ravaioli M., Acosta A., Chiarini F., Lami A., Stanisci A., Tarozzi L., Mazzocchi M.G.

Obertegger, U., Pindo, M. & Flaim G. 2021. Do inferences about freshwater phytoplankton communities change when based on microscopy or high-throughput sequencing data? Freshwater Biology,

Obertegger, U., Flaim, G., &  Colangeli P. 2020. Tracking of algal cells: case study of swimming speed of cold-adapted dinoflagellates Hydrobiologia, 847(10), 2203-22 doi: 1010.1007/s10750-020-04216-y

Flaim, G., Andreis, D., Piccolroaz, S., Obertegger, U. 2020. Ice Cover and Extreme Events Determine Dissolved Oxygen in a Placid Mountain Lake. Water Resources Research, 56,

Obertegger, U, Pindo, M. Flaim, G. 2019. Multifaceted aspects of synchrony between freshwater prokaryotes and protists. Molecular Ecology 28:4500–4512.

Flaim G, Nishri A, Camin F, Corradini S, Obertegger U. 2019. Shift from nival to pluvial recharge of an aquifer-fed lake increases water temperature. Inland Waters 9 (2):261-274.

Angelstam P, M Manton, M Elbakidze, F Sijtsma, MC Adamescu, N Avni, P Beja, P Bezak, I Zyablikova, F Cruz, V Bretagnolle, R Díaz-Delgado, B Ens, M Fedoriak, G Flaim, S Gingrich, M Lavi-Neeman, S Medinets, V Melecis, J MuñozRojas, J Schäckerman, A Stocker-Kiss, H Setälä, N Stryamets, M Taka, G Tallec, U Tappeiner, J Törnblom, T Yamelynets. 2018. LTSER platforms as a place-based transdisciplinary research infrastructure: Learning landscape approach through evaluation. Landscape Ecology 34:1461–1484. 

Knoll LB, Sharma S, Denfeld BA, Flaim G, Hori Y, Magnuson JJ, Straile D, Weyhenmeyer GA. 2019.  Consequences of lake and river ice loss on cultural ecosystem services.  Limnology and Oceanography Letters 4(5): 119-131. doi: 10.1002/lol2.10116

Seelen, L.M.S., Flaim, G., Keuskamp, J., Teurlincx, S., Font, R.A., Tolunay, D., Fránková, M., Šumberová, K., Temponeras, M., Lenhardt, M., Jennings, E., de Senerpont Domis, L.N. 2019. An affordable and reliable assessment of aquatic decomposition: Tailoring the Tea Bag Index to surface waters, Water Research 151: 31-43.

Musche M, Adamescu M, Angelstam P, Bacherd S, Bäcke J, Buss HL, Duffy C, Flaim G, Gaillardet J, Giannakis GV, Haasek P, Halada L, Kissing WD, Lundin L, Matteucci G, Meesenburg H, Monteith d, Nikolaidis NP, Pipans T, Pyšekt P, Rowe EC, Rou DB, Sierr A, Tappeiner U, Vilàz M, White T, Zobel M, Klotz S. 2019. Research questions to facilitate the future development of European longterm ecosystem research infrastructures: A horizon scanning exercise. Journal of Environmental Management 250: 109479.

Obertegger U., S. Bertilsson, M. Pindo, S. Larger, G. Flaim. 2018. Temporal variability of bacterioplankton is habitat driven. Molecular Ecology 27(21): 4322-4335. doi: 10.1111/mec.14855

Morabito G, MG Mazzocchi, N Salmaso, A Zingone, C Bergami, G Flaim, S Accoroni, A Basset, M Bastianini, G Belmonte, F Bernardi Aubry, I Bertani, M Bresciani, F Buzzi, M Cabrini, E Camatti, C Caroppo, B Cataletto, M Castellano, P Del Negro, A de Olazabal, I Di Capua, A Elia, D Fornasaro, M Giallain, F Grilli, B Leoni, M Lipizer, L Longobardi, A Ludovisi, A Lugliè, M Manca, F Margiotta, M A Mariani, M Marini, M Marzocchi, U Obertegger, A Oggioni, B M Padedda, M Pansera, R Piscia, P Povero, S Pulina, T Romagnoli, I Rosati, G Rossetti, F Rubino, D Sarno, C T Satta, N Sechi, E Stanca, V Tirelli, C Totti, and A Pugnetti. 2018.  Plankton dynamics across the freshwater, transitional and marine research sites of the LTER-Italy Network. Patterns, fluctuations, drivers. Science of The Total Environment 627: 373–387. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.01.153.

Cieplinski A, U. Obertegger, T. Weisse. 2018.  Life history traits and demographic parameters in the Keratella cochlearis (Rotifera, Monogononta) species complex.  Hydrobiologia 811:325–338.

Obertegger, U., B. Obrador, and G. Flaim. 2017. Dissolved oxygen dynamics under ice: Three winters of high-frequency data from Lake Tovel, Italy. Water Resources Research 53, doi:10.1002/2017WR020599.

Valentini, L. 2017. Studio della biodiversità microalgale e della chimica delle acque del Lago di Tovel, Trento (Agosto 2016). Tesi di Laurea Treinnale - Corso di Laurea in Biologia, Università di Padova. Anno Accademico 2016/2017. Relatore: Prof.ssa Isabella Moro, Co-relatore Giovanna Flaim.

Cieplinski A, Weisse T, Obertegger U. 2017. High diversity in Keratella cochlearis (Rotifera, Monogononta): morphological and genetic evidence. Hydrobiologia, 796: 145-159. doi: 10.1007/s10750-016-2781-z.

Anesi A, Obertegger U, Hansen G, Sukenik A, Flaim G and Guella G. 2016. Comparative Analysis of membrane lipids in psychrophilic and mesophilic freshwater dinoflagellates. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:524. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00524

Colangeli,P., A Cieplinski, U Obertegger 2016 Filming of zooplankton: a case study of rotifer males and Daphnia magna. Journal of Limnology 75: 204-209 

Todeschi, Pietro. 2016. LTER Lago di Tovel: La ricostruzione delle temperature superficiali del lago (1995-2015) e confronto di diversi parametri limnologici nelle annate 2014-2015. Tesi di Laurea Magistrale - Corso di laurea in Progettazione e Gestione degli Ecosistemi Agro-territoriali, Forestali e del Paesaggio. Università di Bologna. Anno Accademico 2014/2015. Relatore: Prof.ssa Livia Vittori Antisari, Co-relatori: Giovanna Flaim, Ulrike Obertegger.

Cellamare M, Lançon AM, Leitão M, Cerasino L, Obertegger U, Flaim G. 2016. Phytoplankton functional response to spatial and temporal differences in a cold and oligotrophic lake. Hydrobiologia 764:199–209. DOI 10.1007/s10750-015-2313-2.

Taticchi MI, Dorr AJM, Prearo M, Elia AC. 2016. Plumatella repens (Linnaeus, 1758) (Bryozoa: Phylactolaemata) collected from an alpine lake in the Italian Dolomites. Italian Journal of Zoology 83(3): 382-389. Doi: 10.1080/1125003.2016.1193236.

Mares J, Cantonati, M. 2016. Phylogenetic position of Geitleribactron purpureum (Synechococcales, Cyanobacteria / Cyanophyceae) and its implications for the taxonomy of Chamaesiphonaceae and Leptolyngbyaceae. Fottea 16: 104–111. doi: 10.5507/fot.2016.002.

Zeni Agnese. 2015.  Morfo-fisiologia di Spirogyra sp. raccolta nella Baia Rossa del Lago di Tovel (TN) e sottoposta a diversi parametri ambientali. Tesi di Laurea triennale in Scienze Biologiche. Università di Ferrara. Anno Accademico 2014/2015. Relatore: Prof.ssa Simonetta Pancaldi, Co-relatore: Giovanna Flaim.  

Obertegger, U., Flaim G. 2015. Community assembly of rotifers based on morphological traits. Hydrobiologia 753:31–45. DOI 10.1007/s10750-015-2191-7

Obertegger U, Flaim G, Fontaneto D. 2014. Cryptic diversity within the rotifer Polyarthra dolichoptera along an altitudinal gradient. Freshwater Biology. 59:2413–2427. DOI: 10.1111/fwb.12447. 

Flaim G, Obertegger U, Anesi A, Guella G. 2014. Temperature-induced changes in lipid biomarkers and mycosporine-like amino acids in the psychrophilic dinoflagellate Peridinium aciculiferum. Freshwater Biology 59:985–997.

Cantonati M, Komárek H, Hernández-Mariné M, Angeli N. 2014. New and poorly known coccoid species (Cyanoprokaryota) from the mid-depth and deep epilithon of a carbonate mountain lake. Freshwater Science. 33(2): 548-556.

Cantonati M, Guella G, Spitale D, Angeli N, Borsato A, Lencioni V, Filippi M. 2014 The contribution of lake benthic algae to the sediment record in a carbonate mountain lake influenced by marked natural water-level fluctuations. Freshwater Science. 33(2): 499-512.

Flaim G, Camin F, Tonon A, Obertegger U. 2013.  Stable isotopes of lakes and precipitation along an altitudinal gradient in the Eastern Alps. Biogeochemistry 116:187–198 

Flaim. G., U. Obertegger, G. Guella. 2012. Changes in galactolipid composition of the cold freshwater dinoflagellate Borghiella dodgei in response to temperature. Hydrobiologia 698 (1): 285-293.

Obertegger, U., D. Fontaneto, G. Flaim. 2012. Using DNA taxonomy to investigate the ecological determinants of plankton diversity: explaining the occurrence of Synchaeta spp. (Rotifera, Monogononta) in mountain lakes. Freshwater Biology  56: 1–9.  

Tang, CG, F Leasi, U Obertegger, A Kieneke, TG Barraclough, D Fontaneto. 2012 The widely used small subunit 18S rDNA molecule greatly underestimates true diversity in biodiversity surveys of the meiofauna. PNAS 109 (4), 16208–16212 

Obertegger, U., F. Camin, G. Guella, G. Flaim. 2011 Adaptation of a psychrophilic freshwater dinoflagellate to ultraviolet radiation. Journal of Phycology 47: 811-820.

Majone, B, Bertagnoli A, Bellin A 2010. A non-linear runoff generation model in small Alpine catchments. Journal of Hydrology. 385:300–312.

Obertegger U., B. Thaler, G. Flaim. 2010. Rotifer species richness along an altitudinal gradient in the Alps. Global Ecology and Biogeography 19: 895–904.

Obertegger, U., A. Borsato, G. Flaim. 2010. Rotifer–crustacean interactions in a pseudokarstic lake: influence of hydrology. Aquatic Ecology 44(1) 121-130.

Flaim G., E. Rott, R. Frassanito, G. Guella, U. Obertegger. 2009. Eco-fingerprinting of the dinoflagellate Borghiella dodgei: experimental evidence of a specific environmental niche. Hydrobiologia 639:85–98.

Obertegger U., G. Flaim, A. Borsato. 2009. Influence of water residence time on zooplankton depth distribution in a pseudokarstic alpine lake. Aquatic Ecology 44(1) 121-13.

Perini, M., F. Camin, F. Corradini, U. Obertegger, G. Flaim. 2009. Use of δ18O in the interpretation of hydrological dynamics in lakes. Journal of Limnology 68:1-9.

Moestrup, O, Hansen G, Daugbjerg, N. 2008. Studies on woloszynskioid dinoflageflates III: on the ultrastructure and phylogeny of Borghiella dodgei gen. et sp nov., a cold-water species from Lake Tovel, N. Italy, and on B-tenuissima comb. nov (syn. Woloszynskia tenuissima). Phycologia 47(1): 54-78.

Obertegger, U., G. Flaim, R. Sommaruga. 2008. Multifactorial nature of rotifer water layer preferences in an oligotrophic lake. Journal of Plankton Research 30:633-643.

Frassanito, R., M. Cantonati, G. Flaim, I. Mancini, G. Guella. 2007. A new analytical method for the structural characterization of carotenoid esters in freshwater microorganisms by liquid chromatography electrospray tandem mass spectrometry.  Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry   22:3531-3539.

Hansen, G., G. Flaim, 2007. Dinoflagellates of the Trentino Province, Italy. Journal of Limnology 66:107-141.

Hansen G, Daugbjerg N, Henriksen P. 2007. Baldinia anauniensis gen. et sp nov.: a 'new' dinotlagellate from LakeTovel, N. Italy. Phycologia 46(1):86-108. 108   DOI: 10.2216/PH06-23.1   

Obertegger U., G. Flaim, M.G. Braioni, R. Sommaruga, F. Corradini, A. Borsato. 2007. Hydrology as a driving force of zooplankton structure and succession. Aquatic Sciences 69:575-583.

Obertegger U., B. Thaler, G. Flaim. 2007. Habitat constraints of Synchaeta (Rotifera) in lakes (Trentino-SouthTyrol, Italy). Verhandlungen des Internationalen Verein Limnologie 30:302-306.

Tolotti M, Corradini F, Boscaini A, Calliari D. 2007. Weather-driven ecology of planktonic diatoms in Lake Tovel (trentino, Italy). Hydrobioliga 578(1):147-156. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-006-0441-4 

Borghi, B., A. Borsato, M. Cantonati, F. Corradini, G. Flaim. (eds). 2006. Studio sul mancato  arrossamento del Lago di Tovel.  Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, Acta Biologica  81:1-472.  (volume dedicato ai risultati del progetto SALTO con 40 articolo scientifici).

Cantonati, M. & H. Lange-Bertalot. 2006. Achnanthidium dolomiticum sp. Nov. (Bacillatiophyta) from oligotrophic mountain springs and lakes fed by dolomite aquifers Phycologia 42: 1184–1188.

Flaim, G., F. Corradini, A. Borsato, P.E. Ferretti, U. Obertegger, B. Borghi.  2006. The importance of hydraulic conditions in determining ecological equilibrium in an alpine lake: Lake Tovel (Trentino-Italy). Verhandlungen des Internationalen Verein Limnologie 29: 1327-1330.

Frassanito, R., G. Flaim, I. Mancini, G. Guella. 2006. High production of unexpected carotenoids in Dinophyceae. Astaxanthin esters from the freshwater dinoflagellate Tovellia sanguinea. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 34:843-853.

Guilizzoni P, Lami A,  Manca M,  Musazzi S, Marchetto A. 2006. Palaeoenvironmental changes inferred from biological remains in short lake sediment cores from the Central Alps and Dolomites. Hydrobiologia 562:167-191. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-005-1810-0.

Obertegger U., M.G. Braioni, A. Borsato, P. Ferretti, G. Flaim. 2006. The influence of biotic and abiotic factors on the seasonality of meso-zooplankton in Lake Tovel (Trentino-Italy) Verhandlungen des Internationalen Verein Limnologie 29:865-868.

Obertegger U., G.M. Braioni, G. Arrighetti, G. Flaim. 2006. Trophi morphology and its usefulness for identification of formalin-preserved species of Synchaeta Ehrenberg, 1832 (Rotifera: Monogononta: Synchaetidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger 245:109-120.

D’Andrea, M., N. Daugbjerg,  G. Flaim. 2005. Investigation of the dinoflagellate community of lake Tovel by genetic analysis of environmental samples. Verhandlungen des Internationalen Verein Limnologie 29(1):478-481.

Kulbe Tm Anselmetti F, Cantonati M, Sturm M. 2005.Environmental history of Lago di Tovel,  Trento, Italy, revealed by sediment cores and 3.5 kHz seismic mapping. Journal of Paleolimnology 34(3):325-337. DOI: 10.1007/s10933-005-5022-4.

Moestrup, Ø., G. Hansen, N. Daugbjerg, G. Flaim, M. D’Andrea. 2005. Studies on woloszynskioid dinoflagellates II: On Tovellia sanguinea sp. nov., the dinoflagellate species responsible for  the reddening of Lake  Tovel, N. Italy. European Journal of  Phycology  41:47:65.

Spitale D, Tardio M, Cantonati M. 2005. Competition between a planktonic diatom and a dinoflagellate during enclosure experiments in a mountain lake. Phycologia 44(3):320-327. 327   DOI: 10.2216/0031-8884(2005)44[320:CBAPDA]2.0.CO;2

Flaim, G., G. Hansen, Ø. Moestrup, F. Corradini, B. Borghi. 2004. Re-interpretation of the dinoflagellate ‘Glenodinium sanguineum’ in the  reddening of Lake Tovel, Italian Alps. Phycologia 43: 737-743.

Cantonati M, Angeli N. 2003. New findings on the ecology and ultrastructure of Cymbella ancyli Cleve. Diatom Research 18(2):377.384.

Flaim, G., E. Rott, F. Corradini,  G. Toller,  B. Borghi.  2003. Long-term trends in species composition and diurnal migration of Dinoflagellates in Lake Tovel (Trentino, Italy). Hydrobiologia  502: 357-366.

Tardio M, Tolotti M, Novarino G, Cantonati M. 2003. Ecological and taxonomic observations on the flagellate algae characterising four years of enclosure experiments in Lake Tovel (Southern Alps). Hydrobiologia 502(1-3):285-296. 296   DOI: 10.1023/B:HYDR.0000004286.28881.75   

Brusa T, Zucchi M, Pisoni C, gerola P, Sorlini C. 2002. Tovel “the red lake” preliminary microbiological studies. Annals of Microbiology 52(1): 13-23.

Cavalca L, Ferrari P, andreoni v. 2001. Glenodinium sanguineum March. and the reddening phenomenon of Lake Tovel: biological and environmental aspects. Annals of Microbiology 51(2):159-177.

Hofer, R., R. Lackner, J. Kargl, B. Thaler, D. Tait, L. Bonetti, R. Vistocco, G. Flaim. 2000. Organochlorine and metal accumulation in fish (Phoxinus phoxinus) along a north-south transect in the Alps. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 125:189-200.

IASMA, 1995-2000. Caratteristiche limnologiche dei laghi nel Trentino. Rapporti annuali. Istituto Agrario di S. Michele all’Adige TN.

Studi storici / historic studies

Freshfield, D.W. 1875. Italian Alps: Sketches in the mountains of Ticino, Lombardy, the Trentino and Venetia. Longmans, Green & Co., London. 385.

Largaiolli, V. 1907. La varietà oculata del Glenodinium pulvisculus (Ehr.) Stein. Nuova Notarisia 18:1-5.

Baldi, E. 1941. Ricerche idrobiologiche sul lago di TovelMemorie del Museo di Storia Naturale della Venezia Tridentina 6:1-297.

Marchesoni V. 1941. Sulla posizione sistematica del Glenodinium determinante l'arrossamento del lago di Tovel. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali 22 (1):11-18.

Gerosa V., 1959 I carotenoidi e l'arrossamento del lago di Tovel. Natura Alpina, 3:86-91.

Marchesoni, V. 1959. La val di Tovel e il "Lago Rosso". Natura Alpina 10: 37-76.

Studi post fioritura (1964) / post bloom studies (1964)

Dodge, J.D., 1970 - Report of limnological investigation of Lake Tovel (Trentino - N. Italy). Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali 47(1):91-94.

Arrighetti, A. &  M. Siligardi. 1979. Analisi idrobiologiche al lago di Tovel (TN). Quaderni di Esperienze e Ricerche 5: 1-69.

Paganelli, A., R. Trevisan,  P. Cordella,  A. Miola, & M. Cappelletti, 1981 - Ricerche limnologiche sul Lago di Tovel (Trentino) ed ipotesi sul mancato arrossamento. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali Acta Biologica 58:393-424.

Miola, A. & R. Trevisan, 1982 - Un contributo allo studio su ciclo bioloigco e contenuto in clorofilla di Glenodinium sanguineum March. del Lago di Tovel (Trento). Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali Acta Biologica 59: 23-29.

Dodge, J.D., P. Mariani,  A. Paganelli, & R. Trevisan, - 1987. Fine structure of the red bloom dinoflagellate Glenodinium sanguineum from lake Tovel (N. Italy). Archiv für Hydrobiologie Suppl. 78: 125-138.

Paganelli A., 1992 - Lake Tovel (Trentino): limnological and hydrobiological aspects. Memorie Istituto italiano Idrobiologia 50: 225-257.

Morselli I, Mari M, Sarto M. 1995. First record of the stygobiont archiannelid Troglochaetus beranecki Delachaux from Italy. Bolletttino di Zoologia 62(3): 287-290.

Lami  A, Marchetto A,  Guilizzoni, Giorgis A, Masaferro, J. 1994. Paleolimnological records of carotenoids and carbonaceous particles in sediments of some lakes in southern Alps. Hyrdrobiologia 274(1-3): 57-64.